All works the express copyright of the author. Any reproduction or use of the material contained in these pages is at the permission of the author.
Please respect the artistic integrity of these playwrights and fight the urge to plagerize or distribute these works without our permission!
If all else fails, contact us for further information.
Winner of the First Festival!
by Jessica Hargrove (*note, at the time the writer and the performers were all under the age of 13!!)
Star Light Star Bright
by Janis Rapoport
(Who is this?)
Oh Guitar
by Liona Maria Boyd
(Who is this?)
by Kelly Fischer
The Call
by Michael Redhill
(Who is this?)
Early 80’s Toronto
by Laura Borealis
(Who is this?)
A Play
by Herschel Hardin
(Who is this?)
The Silence of Rememberance
by Marty Tunney
Leaping to Conclusion
by Christopher Dunning
A Play
by Mike McCormick
(Who is this?)
And They Said I Couldn’t Create Something Beautiful in One Minute
by Amy Rosenthal
An Embarassed but Proud Father
by Arthur Hiller
(Who is this?)
Mother, We Never Knew You
by Diane Helliker
Wait Late
by Penn Kemp
(Who is this?)