A Play
by Herschel Hardin
You have one minute to present your play.
One minute? That’s outrageous! Do you know who I am? The greatest playwright since Shakespeare, and I’m not even sure about him. The ghost of George Bernard Shaw grovels at my feet!
Your time’s up!
What? Already? Impossible!
Time’s up!
You son of a harlot! I slipped some hemlock into my first line of dialogue. You’re going to die, like Hamlet!
Hemlock? Dialogue? You can’t! But wait! The minute will be over before I die. I’m saved!
You fool! I’ve added a time extender in my second line of dialogue. You’re finished!
A time extender? No! No! Not a time extender! Agggggggggh!
(He dies.)
Adieu, doux prince, O Prince of Wells. The fault was not in the stars, but in your clock.
(He points to the corpse.)
Your time’s up!
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